Shopify SEO Checklist: 15 Steps to Ranking Your Store #1 on Google

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is gold in today’s e-commerce landscape. Shopify stores that don’t focus on SEO might fail to reach their targets and grow their business. That is why implementing a Shopify SEO checklist is a must.

But how can you develop such a checklist?

This post will create a Shopify SEO experts checklist you can use to raise the search result rating of your e-commerce website. Following the advice in this SEO checklist, Shopify users have come to rely on will help significantly raise your search engine results.

What is Shopify SEO?

SEO helps search engines such as Google find your e-commerce site amid an ocean of websites. SEO specifically refers to a set of techniques used to help Google locate your Shopify store. Shopify stores that ignore Shopify SEO strategies could go undetectable to search engines. 

Improving SEO will help your online store show on the first page of search results. Starting on the top page of search results is absolutely vital. Most people just glance at the first page.  Consequently, sites not on the first page might as well not exist.

Please note that SEO doesn’t automatically happen. Your Shopify store must follow specific rules and practices to ensure that it matches what Google’s algorithm looks for when conducting searches. Doing so helps your Shopify store’s visibility allowing users to find your e-commerce site easily.

What are the Most Common SEO Issues?

SEO requires specific strategies and techniques to land sites on the first page of search results. Nevertheless, some common SEO issues might be affecting your Shopify store’s SEO ranking as we speak. These issues include:

  • Slow page loading times
  • Duplicate content
  • Complex site architecture
  • Too many apps or scripts
  • Lack of keywords in content and metadata
  • Sub-optimized meta descriptions

Solving SEO issues as soon as possible will help drive traffic to your e-commerce site. As organic traffic grows, your sales will, too. 

Shopify SEO Checklist: 10 Tips to Take your Shopify Store to the Top

In this section, we’ll look at a Shopify e-commerce SEO checklist that will take your Shopify store to the top of search results. 

Don’t forget: the goal is to land on the first page of search results. Once there, the next step is to stay there.

Here we go!

#1: Get The Tools Of The Trade

Success in SEO mostly depends on having the correct tools to raise the search ranking of our Shopify store. Tools including Google Analytics and Google Search Console enable comprehensive performance data for your Shopify store.

Google Search Console lets you specifically watch and monitor the performance of your Shopify store so you may change less-than-ideal parameters. Your material can be changed, for instance, to include particular trending keywords relevant to your business and items. 

Google Analytics lets you see how your site performs generally in terms of sales conversions, visitor count, and page value-generating capability. Use these indicators to get an important understanding of the general operation of your e-commerce website.

Google Search Console is free. So, you risk nothing in getting this valuable tool.

#2: Keyword Optimization

Keywords are SEO’s wheelhouse. Keywords help Google’s algorithm find your Shopify store. The challenge is finding the right keywords. There are three things to consider when optimizing for keywords:

Volume. Volume refers to how popular a keyword is in queries. In short, using the most common keywords related to your brand and products is the best way to help boost your search rankings.

Difficulty. Some keywords may be popular but difficult to rank. You must assess if a specific keyword is worth the effort to rank. Otherwise, moving on to easier keywords can be just as effective.

Intent. Intent refers to what specific information users are searching for. This situation is subjective, as you must interpret the intention behind specific keywords and phrases. 

Keyword research tools such as Ahrefs and SEMrush can provide detailed insights into specific keywords and phrases. They can get pricey but are totally worth the investment.

#3: Optimize Metadata

Metadata refers to the information that describes your files, images, and page titles. This data is not generally available to users, but it is visible to search engines. Ensuring your metadata is relevant to your Shopify store through relevant keywords and phrases.

For example, a shoe store ought to include keywords such as “casual,” “dress,” and “athletic” to complement phrases such as “athletic shoes near me.” These keywords help search engines “crawl” through websites to find the most relevant matches.

Optimizing metadata for images is crucial. Images allow you to include a description of what it is. For instance, images on product pages should contain a short description of what it is, including relevant keywords. 

Optimizing metadata is a key factor on our Shopify e-commerce SEO checklist you don’t want to miss.

#4: Leverage Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are part of the metadata. However, meta descriptions are unique since they are snippets users see when searching for specific information. Optimizing meta descriptions is essential to any successful SEO strategy.

Typically, meta descriptions should be around 160 characters and should contain as many relevant keywords as possible. Going over 160 characters does not look good since search results will most likely truncate it, leaving out key information. Additionally, Google punishes sites with meta descriptions over the 160-character threshold.

#5: Focus On Tags And Titles

Page titles are what users see atop pages when they first enter. Page titles are also useful in helping search engines read what a page is about. Like all metadata, page titles must contain relevant keywords. Don’t forget that titles should be under 60 characters (not words). These keywords help search engines match content leading users to the content they seek.

Additionally, tags function as headers within text displayed on-screen. Tags allow your e-commerce site to organize its overall structure. This structure creates the sitemap Google, and other search engines can use to “read” your Shopify store. Please ensure that your tags contain as many relevant keywords as possible. In doing so, you can significantly boost your SEO ranking on Google and others.

#6: Include Keywords in Page URLs

Page URLs are the actual addresses where your pages are located. These URLs are derived from your domain, categories, and subcategories. When you add pages to your site, please ensure to include relevant keywords. Doing so adds another layer that Google and other search engines can use to read your site.

#7: Optimize Images

In addition to optimizing metadata on images such as Alt text and filenames, optimizing image size is crucial.

Image Alt text provides key information regarding each image. Leaving Alt text doesn’t do your Shopify store any good. That is why any good SEO checklist Shopify recommends should include a nice description using keywords in the Alt text fields for images.

Similarly, image file names should reflect relevant keywords. Filenames such as “pic1.jpg” do little to help your SEO strategy. Instead, try something like “brown leather jacket.jpg” to boost your Shopify store’s visibility

#8: Optimize Content

Optimizing content is about ensuring it’s relevant, contains keywords, and it’s updated regularly. Optimized content is based on including relevant keywords as much as possible. For example, product pages should contain keywords users are likely to use when searching for your products. 

However, there are two key considerations. First, it’s important to avoid keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing consists of inserting keywords even if they don’t make sense in the text. Google punishes this practice. So, it’s best to write good, clear copy containing keywords.

#9: Make Content Engaging

Engaging content isn’t just about delivering useful information. This item on our Shopify SEO checklist is about making content easy to consume and enjoyable for visitors. Please bear in mind that engaging content keeps users coming back.

Here are four key ideas to consider:

  • Write short and clear sentences and paragraphs
  • Use simple language over complex or unusual words
  • For titles, use an H1 tag, subtitles, an H2 tag, and sections an H3 tag
  • Include keywords on images, videos, GIFs, and other visuals

#10: Use Internal Links Whenever Possible

SEO checklist Shopify practices include using internal links whenever possible. Internal links take users to other pages within your own Shopify store. As a result, users stay on your site as long as possible. This approach boosts your SEO ranking and provides a positive user experience.

When using internal links, be sure the pages are updated and contain relevant content. Adding unrelated internal links for the sake of doing it does not help your SEO strategy. Please remember you’re building a web that will lead users where you need them to go.

#11: Use High-Quality Backlinks

Backlinks are highly effective in boosting your e-commerce site’s SEO ranking. When going through your Shopify SEO checklist, ensure you include high-quality backlinks. Backlinks are connections to other sites containing relevant content.

Here are some ideas for quality backlinks:

  • Manufacturer sites
  • Third-party product reviews
  • Relevant YouTube videos
  • Newspapers and magazines
  • Blogs and newsletters

Above all, avoid broken links and obscure sites. Linking to the most popular and highest-ranking sites is a surefire way to boost your SEO strategy.

#12: Conduct An SEO Audit

A Shopify SEO audit consists of checking for the most common errors on your Shopify store. For example, broken links, blank Alt text fields, large images, and suboptimal keyword usage are all common mistakes that must be addressed immediately. 

You can use a third-party app to help review your Shopify store’s SEO parameters. From there, you can take your Shopify SEO checklist to double-check you have the right parameters in place.

#13: Keep An Eye On Page Loading Times

Our Shopify SEO checklist focuses heavily on page loading times. Specifically, measuring actual loading times is critical. Using third-party apps can provide a diagnostic on overall page loading times. These apps can also help determine if your loading times are within industry standards. 

Here are three key things you can do to improve page loading times once you’ve assessed your Shopify store:

  • Remove unused third-party apps and scripts
  • Optimize image sizes with a free tool such as TinyJPG
  • Go easy on slideshows, video presentations, and animations

#14: Conduct Keyword Research

Keywords are an ever-evolving proposition. Therefore, you must keep tabs on what keywords and phrases are trending. Doing so helps optimize content to fit users’ specific needs. Tools such as Ahrefs and SEMrush are highly valuable tools. If you’re looking for a free alternative, Google’s Keyword Planner can set you on the right track.

Once you have identified trending keywords, be sure to adjust your content to match these words. Small variations in existing content can often help you update it and keep it relevant. 

#15: Get Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are a great source of information, backlinks, mentions, and keyword use. Your SEO jumps when customers review your brand and products. In particular, mentioning your brand name, relevant keywords, and location helps search engine algorithms link your Shopify store and content to query terms. 

Giveaways and promotions are great ways to encourage customers to leave reviews. Please remember that the more mentions you get, the better.

Use this Shopify SEO Checklist to Optimize Your Store

Getting SEO right involves science and art. On the one hand, you must ensure you get the metrics right. On the other, you must get the content right. With this handy Shopify SEO checklist that provides IndeedSEO, you have a chance to get both right.

Now that you have this useful Shopify SEO checklist take the time to go through each item. You’ll be pleasantly surprised when your Shopify store’s performance hits new highs.

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